Welcome to Aussie Med Ed, the Australian Medical Education Podcast
Nov. 2, 2023

RACGP accreditation- coming soon

Exciting news

Aussie Med Ed has been accepted as accredited for general practitioner continuing professional development program by the RACGP (CPD points for general practitioners)

This means that if you are a Fellow of the RACGP (Royal Australasian College of General Practitioners) certain episodes deemed appropriate for CPD can be claimed once you have listened to the episode and completed the assessment at the end.

So far in the 50 episodes, topics such as Depression, Bariatric Surgery, Renal Cancer, Stroke management, Chronic pain, Lung Cancer,Bowel Cancer, Shoulder Pain and Dislocations will be listed as suitable for this.

I am very pleased to offer this service and completes my aim in providing Aussie Med Ed

I will keep you informed, once this comes on line in the next few weeks


Dr Gavin Nimon

Orthopaedic Surgeon

Aussie Med Ed