Intensivist and Professor School of public Health
Background: Undergraduate studies in Ireland, postgraduate training in both anaesthesia and intensive care in Ireland, Australia and the United Kingdom. Currently Executive Director Medical Services Central Adelaide Local Health Network and Clinical Professor School of Public Health, University of Adelaide, Adjunct Professor, University of South Australia. Previous activities include Inaugural National Medical Director Australian Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation Authority, Chair Education Committee Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society and Chair of the South Australian Clinical Senate . Long term interests: clinical practice improvement and health reform specifically the use of educational, interdisciplinary and team based strategies to improve patient centred outcomes, organ and tissue donation, transplantation. Local and national experience in the development of policy, clinical guidelines and subsequent implementation .
In the intricate world of healthcare, we aim to guide you through the importance of being professional in medicine and medical professionalism Our panel hosted by Dr Gavin Nimon and comprised of Professor Ben Canny, Professo...