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I'd like to let you know that Aussie Med Ed is sponsored by OPC Health, an Australian supplier of prosthetics, orthotics, clinic equipment, compression garments, rehabilitation devices for doctors, physiotherapists, orthodists, podiatrists and hand therapists.
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Medical statistics plays a fundamental role in shaping modern health care.
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It's the foundation of evidence based medicine, allowing us to make informed decisions and Whether it's selecting the best treatment, evaluating the efficacy of interventions, or even understanding the risks and benefits for our patients.
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In today's episode of Aussie Med Ed, we're looking at the world of medical statistics, exploring how it influences clinical guidelines, helps us critically evaluate research papers, and informs everyday clinical practice.
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We'll cover the essential statistical concepts every healthcare professional should be familiar with when reviewing research, from types of data and statistical concepts to more complex topics like hypothesis testing, p values, confidence intervals, and correlation vs causation.
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We'll also talk about other study design, the importance of sample size, and how to spot potential bias in research papers.
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Badenoch, an anaesthetist who has a Masters in Biostatistics.
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He's going to help us break it all down for you.
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I'm Adam Badenoch.
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Whether you're new to research or looking to refresh your knowledge, this episode will give you tools to better understand and apply the evidence in your clinical practice.
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Welcome to Aussie Med Ed.
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G'day and welcome to Aussie Med Ed, the Australian Medical Education Podcast.
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Designed with a pragmatic approach to medical conditions by interviewing specialists in the medical field.
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I'm Gavin Nimon, an orthopaedic surgeon based in Adelaide and I'm broadcasting from Kaurna Land.
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I'd like to remind you that this podcast podcast players and is also available as a video version on YouTube.
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I'd also like to remind you that if you enjoy this podcast, please subscribe or leave a review or give us a thumbs up as I really appreciate the support.
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It helps the channel grow.
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I'd like to start the podcast by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which this podcast is produced, the Kaurna people, and pay my respects to the Elders both past, present and emerging.
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Well, it's my pleasure now to introduce Dr Adam Badenoch, an aethetist trained in South Australia and who has specialized fellowships in difficult airway management, medical education and simulation, as well as hepatobiliary and liver transplant anesthesia.
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In 2023, Adam earnt a Barstas by statistics.
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from the University of Adelaide, combining his clinical expertise with a deep interest in research, statistics, and anesthesia specialties, such as ENT, neuroanesthesia, and liver transplant care.
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Thanks Adam, thanks very much for coming on Aussie Med Ed.
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Statistics has always been a very difficult and confusing concept for myself, probably because it confines both mathematics and some unusual concepts.
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Can you please start off by explaining some basic key statistical concepts for everyone?
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Basic principles that people should be aware of and what they should know if they're trying to analyse medical research.
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Sure, Gavin.
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First of all, thanks for having me on.
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I, at times, find statistics a bit confusing and complicated too, so don't worry, I think, if that's how you feel.
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Lots of people are in the same boat, and it definitely does cover some relatively unintuitive concepts or logic at times.
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But I think you're right, covering some basics often helps.
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I think a few key concepts to understand are what sort of data are there and how do we categorise it?
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How can we describe different types of data?
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And some basic concepts related to hypothesis testing.
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So types of data can generally be classified into numerical or categorical.
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And the numerical, uh, Uh, data can be further categorised into discrete or continuous data, and categorical data can, is often further delineated into nominal or ordinal categories.
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A nominal categorical, uh, A categorical variable is simply one which has no logical order to it.
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A good example might be hair colour, as opposed to an ordinal variable, which is categorical in nature, it categorises things, but they have a natural order to them, such as small, medium and large.
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In terms of the numerical data, discrete data is data which essentially is like an integer.
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Uh, it doesn't take on a continuous range of values, but it, it falls into discrete numbers.
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Whereas continuous data is essentially a numerical representation of something which can theoretically be described as a entirely continuous process that can take on any specific value.
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So if we think of continuous data, we often describe it in terms of It's central tendency, which is where the, the largest amount of the data sits and how the data is spread around that area of central tendency.
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So the, the most common ways to describe central tendency would be mean, median, or mode, the mode being the most common value.
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The median being the 50th centile value and the mean having a number of different definitions but the usual arithmetic mean is simply the sum of all of the values divided by the number of values.
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Distribution can be described as a range from the lowest to the highest value.
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You can describe subsets of that range, such as an interquartile range.
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Range describes the middle 50 percent of the values, so it's less affected by occasional extreme outliers at either ends of the range.
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And a variance is definition of a term which describes how far each individual point is away from whichever measure of central tendency you use, usually the median.
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Right, so when we're talking about numbers in general, we'd like to average things, and that's the mean, but I understand the mean's not as good.
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That's affected by outliers, and that's why the median is more unuseful.
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Is that correct?
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Yeah, it depends on the distribution of your data.
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So the mean is a good value to use often because it takes information from every individual individual.
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A data point in the data set and it uses that information in its calculation.
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So you're not throwing away any information, but because of the way it's calculated it can be quite affected by a small number of particularly high or particularly low values that don't really represent the typical value of the data, if there is such a thing.
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The median takes the middle 50 percent of the values.
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So it is effectively discarding information from, you know, the top tail and the bottom tail of the data set, and for that reason is, I guess, less desirable to use than the mean if those values at either end of the range are actually considered typical and representative of the true data set, but if they are unusually high or low outliers and we don't think that they genuinely represent the true population, then it's a good thing to discard that information and just use the middle 50 percent.
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The range takes that concept even further and simply uses two values from the data set.
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So you might have a million values in your data set and to describe it simply using a range, all that does is it takes the lowest value and the highest value And you usually put a little dash between them and you say, you know, the numbers range from this to this.
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And it doesn't tell you anything about what else is happening in the middle of the data set.
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So that can be obviously hugely influenced by outlying values and doesn't tell you anything about the middle of the range.
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But I guess it's useful to, it's a useful concept, particularly when combined with a median.
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So the median looks at the middle 50 percent of values And the range looks at the extreme ends.
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And it can give you a nice little picture and summary when taken together of what the distribution of the data looks like.
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So it's horses for courses a little bit, I'd say.
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And all these things are really used as a way of describing numbers in order to interpret results.
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It's a way of assessing how well treatment can be useful for certain individuals or for a population in general.
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I mean, statistics is a mathematical concept which is useful not just for medicine, but it's used in finance and engineering and agriculture and all walks of life really.
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So anywhere where numbers can be used to represent phenomena that exist in the real world.
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Statistics can be useful.
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So the applications are virtually endless.
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I guess one of the key concepts for statistics and another one which often gets a little bit forgotten when people are interpreting statistics in medical literature is that any time we do a study or we analyse a data set Typically, that is a sample which has been taken from a true population.
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Um, so it may be, for example, that we have recruited 100 patients who have had knee operations from all of the patients that you've operated on over the last 12 months.
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Now, you might have operated on, you know, Well, more than a hundred patients in 12 months and what we're looking at in the study is a sample of all of the patients that you operate on or we might be trying to extrapolate our thinking to all of the patients who have knee operations, not just by you and not just in this year.
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So that that concept that when we analyze a study we're analyzing A sample taken from a larger true population is a really important one.
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And often when we come back to interpreting some of the analysis parameters and testing hypotheses that a lot of that framework is based around estimating what we think these values would truly be if we had collected data on every person that had a knee operation.
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We've introduced the concept of hypotheses.
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Perhaps you can explain that in more detail if you could, please.
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Um, so hypothesis testing, I guess, is a way of using statistical methods to refute a null hypothesis.
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And that framework of thinking is generally derived from the concept that unless we know that we're going to improve.
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life or medicine somehow for particularly for our patients.
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We would usually defer to the status quo unless we know that what we're doing can make things better.
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On the, on the basis of above all do no harm.
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Exactly, exactly.
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Um, and also based on the fact that, um, you can have random variation, um, in data sets as well and we don't want to infer too much into those.
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We want to only make changes which take a lot of effort sometimes if we know that there's a true effect there and it's not just some random variation in the data set.
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So typically in a study that does involve a hypothesis test there will be a null hypothesis which the simplest scenario would be a study that involves two groups and a single intervention.
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And the null hypothesis would be that there is no difference between the two groups, which means that the treatment doesn't have any effect.
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So if we, if we conduct a test, a hypothesis test, we're really looking at our data set from our single sample and trying to work out whether that data is consistent with the null hypothesis.
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And if it's not consistent with the null hypothesis by a small amount, we may say, well, there may be a small true effect here, but this might also be due to chance.
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Whereas if the data in our sample is very, very inconsistent with the null hypothesis, that's much more convincing for us to say, well, there Actually, we think we have enough evidence here collected that we can refute this null hypothesis with confidence.
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And in rejecting that null hypothesis, we obviously then come up with an alternative hypothesis.
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And that might be that the treatment improves the outcome that we're looking at, or maybe it makes it worse.
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And we can make an estimate as to by how much does it increase or decrease.
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So that's the general framework of thinking and ideas behind hypothesis testing.
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And I believe that works then on working out chance of that happening and using what we call p value.
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Absolutely right.
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Yeah, so a p value is the chance of observing your data set if the null hypothesis is true.
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And obviously the more your data deviates from what you would expect under the null hypothesis, the chance of those results arising due to chance alone without your treatment having any true effect.
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become smaller and smaller as the differences become more and more extreme.
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The important thing to remember about p values is that they have come under quite a lot of criticism in recent times, largely because that is the only information that they convey.
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They convey the probability that, you know, your results arose due to chance alone.
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And so the lower that chance is, you know, the more confidence you can have in rejecting the null hypothesis.
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But it doesn't tell you anything about the magnitude of the change that you're actually observing.
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I always thought that increasing the sample size reduces or increases the chance of having a positive p value and that might be one of the reasons it was criticised in that sense.
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I also realised too that the actual value of 0.
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05 was just decided arbitrarily by Fisher, an early statistician, who thought that 1 in 20 was a reasonable number to choose.
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That's absolutely right.
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So the value that you choose as The threshold for what you consider a significant p value versus one which you're going to ascribe due to chance alone is completely arbitrary.
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There's been a convention for a long time now to set that value at five percent or 0.
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05, but as medical literature becomes more and more common, you know, there are more and more p values.
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studies conducted and papers published every day, year after year, we start to see a little bit of a phenomenon whereby there can be other issues at play, such as publication bias and a few other bits and pieces, which mean that this conventional thinking that, you know, one in 20 chance is something which is never going to happen unless there's a true effect.
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Um, you know, if you, if you've got thousands of.
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papers being published, you know, every day, and they're all testing hypotheses, you know, that's way more than 20 papers.
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You're going to get lots of them that are going to have statistically significant results due to chance alone.
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And so for that reason, you know, there's probably a bit of a push to start using lower p values to define significance and or just encouraging readers to interpret p values without necessarily feeling forced to ascribe a single arbitrary threshold to them as to whether they're significant or not.
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You can certainly look at it as a probability chance as to how likely this data set arose due to chance alone and make up your own mind about whether you think there's a true effect there or not.
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I'd like to let you know that Aussie Med Ed is supported by Healthshare.
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Healthshare is a digital health company that provides solutions for patients, GPs and specialists across Australia.
00:16:38.658 --> 00:16:46.059
Two of Healthshare's products are Baird Consult and A pre consultation questionnaire that allows GPs to know a patient's agenda before the consult begins.
00:16:46.549 --> 00:16:48.879
As well as HealthShare's Specialist Referrals Directory.
00:16:49.470 --> 00:16:53.110
A specialist analyzed health directory helping GPs specialist.
00:16:53.879 --> 00:16:55.460
What about the opposite end of the spectrum?
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So what you're saying at the moment is that 0.
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05 might be a bit high.
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What about the people who talk about, oh, things approaching significant?
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There are probably two sides to that.
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On, on one hand, I think to maintain integrity in the research process, you do need to be faithful to the traditional scientific method and I think to, to claim that you have found a causal link between something, you know, requires a whole lot of things to line up.
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One of which is to have observed A difference, a true difference due to your intervention.
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And the way to do that really is to define what you think is an important difference clinically before you start the study, um, and to also define exactly how you're going to analyse the outcome.
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And as part of that, I think you do need to define a threshold level of significance and stick to that in your analysis and in your write up.
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Certainly that can be frustrating for authors, I think, who might, in their data set, observe probably the effect that they were looking for.
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The effect might be slightly smaller than they were expecting, or the variance in the data set slightly higher than they were expecting.
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And as a result, their p value is not quite as small.
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as their, the threshold value that they had picked prior to starting the experiment.
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So in those scenarios, I think as the author of the published paper, you just need to stick to your a priori decision making framework.
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But that's not to say that as readers we can't also consider the fact that p values are are simply probabilities that results arose due to chance.
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Yes, the arbitrary thresholds are important, but we don't, they can be interpreted in another framework, I guess, as the reader, if you're not the person who has, has set the level, um, when you're registering a study, for example.
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So what about my other thought too, the larger the study, the greater the power of the study, the more chance it reached significance.
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And so it almost seemed like.
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If you just kept increasing the sample size, you'd end up, everything would be a 0.
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05 p value?
00:19:22.558 --> 00:19:23.429
Yeah, that's right.
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In the calculation of a p value, usually the things that will influence it are the size of the effect, the variation that exists in the data set, and what the sample size is.
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So, for any given combination of effect size and variance in a data set, The larger your dataset, the smaller your p value is going to be.
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And so as things like electronic medical records and data linkage and data sharing become more and more common, the possibility of mega datasets to emerge becomes more and more realistic and more and more common, and certainly that's a phenomenon worth bearing in mind too.
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So for any time that a p value is very small.
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It means that there probably is an effect there, but the p value may be small for any one of those three reasons.
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So, low variance in the data set, a large magnitude of effect, or a very large sample size.
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So if it's a large magnitude of effect, then obviously that's clinically very important to us as clinicians.
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The other two are more statistical phenomena, which are not so important for how effective the treatment is.
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Um, so it is important to look at the sample size when considering a p value.
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So if you see a positive p value, but you actually see the actual overall result saying a very small effect, You might be thinking, well, okay, that's useful to know, but it's not going to really change my clinical practice as much as a huge variance with a positive p value and a small sample size where you go, that's really important.
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What about this idea of confidence intervals that you also see talked about as well?
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I get a little bit confused on that because it seems to have a range and it has a number in the middle.
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Can you explain that to me?
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And does that have anything to do with what we're talking about with p values as well?
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So confidence intervals are a range of plausible values within which the true population value will lie with a particular degree of confidence.
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Typically they're presented as 95 percent confidence intervals.
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So it's a range of values which will include the true population value with 95 percent certainty.
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So, In many senses they're analogous to p values, but they have the added advantage of providing a range of values, not just a probability of whether something arose due to chance or not.
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So the range of values that's provided by the confidence interval can give you an idea of the magnitude of effect.
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Often they can be calculated around an estimated value, so you might estimate it.
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You know, the average difference in blood pressure between two groups.
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Uh, so the average difference in blood pressure has a single particular value and that's the value that you'll see in the middle of the confidence interval range and either side of that you have the, the edges of the confidence interval range.
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So that's the range of plausible values that the, the difference in blood pressure could take.
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So in that scenario, if you then gave a medication that adjusted the blood pressure of the group of patients, they would then have a range and a confidence interval of 95%.
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And then do you compare the two confidence intervals that way and how do you do it?
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Not ideally like that.
00:22:53.584 --> 00:23:03.074
So you could calculate a blood pressure value in the first group and a confidence interval around that.
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And you could calculate a blood pressure in the second group and a confidence interval around that.
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What would be preferable to do, if you knew that the aim of your study was to compare the difference in blood pressure or that how it changes when you administer your treatment, you can make the outcome of your trial deliberately the difference in blood pressure.
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And so that's blood pressure one minus blood pressure two, and that then becomes a single value.
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You can then, uh, calculate a con confidence interval around that single difference value.
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And that's much more useful.
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And a more, a more valid way of telling what the difference is between two groups than, um, simply comparing overlap of confidence intervals between two separately created confidence intervals.
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We might come back to that example in a second when we start talking about the different tests and things we use and talk about how.
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What, whether it's a parametric test and what, what test you'd use in that example.
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If we move on a bit further though, what are the common pitfalls in interpreting statistical data in medical studies and how can they be avoided?
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I would say that the most common pitfall is probably to assume that a study is well conducted and that the conclusions are valid.
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I find it's much better to assume the opposite and ask the authors to prove you wrong.
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If I can't do that, I'll just remain dubious.
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Okay, almost like a null hypothesis on the study you're reading.
00:24:31.134 --> 00:24:31.763
00:24:32.054 --> 00:24:36.894
So, what are the key characteristics of a well designed and robust study that you need to look for?
00:24:37.693 --> 00:24:50.374
So there are a number of factors, and really, there's a huge long list of things to look for, because good research is really just a process of doing lots of little things right.
00:24:50.523 --> 00:24:56.868
And if you do all of those little things right, Then you'll have done good research.
00:24:57.058 --> 00:25:01.009
If you do none of those little things, then it's bad research.
00:25:01.348 --> 00:25:09.298
And there's a huge amount that sits in the middle there somewhere, where they've done some things right, or many things right, and some things not so well.
00:25:09.730 --> 00:25:20.929
But I guess the, some of the important concepts are to understand concepts like the study design is probably the single most important factor.
00:25:20.929 --> 00:25:28.844
So, whilst it's It's possible to have a well conducted case series or a well conducted observational study.
00:25:29.003 --> 00:25:49.354
If we assume that studies have all been conducted with a similar level of rigor, then a randomised control trial that is blinded is a much better design than an observational study of any sort and an observational study that makes some attempts to adjust for confounding.
00:25:50.344 --> 00:25:55.023
is better than a case series and a case series is better than a case report.
00:25:55.253 --> 00:26:02.804
So that level of evidence that people are probably familiar with in terms of an evidence based pyramid still holds true.
00:26:03.034 --> 00:26:13.594
Probably the caveat to that is the fact that publication bias is a real phenomenon and that can certainly influence meta analyses findings.
00:26:14.213 --> 00:26:37.878
Often the meta analyses and systematic reviews sit at the top of that pyramid, but sometimes If a meta analysis shows a difference between two groups, or that a treatment is effective, it's probably actually better to go and conduct a single, really well designed, robust, large, pragmatic trial to confirm those results, to ensure that it's not due to publication bias.
00:26:39.219 --> 00:26:55.433
If you've got a systematic review or a meta analysis which demonstrates no difference between two groups, um, then we can be pretty confident that That hasn't arisen due to publication bias and you can probably take that result as a, as being a true one.
00:26:55.773 --> 00:27:00.624
I was going to quickly just ask, just for the listener, what a systematic review and a meta analysis is.
00:27:00.634 --> 00:27:03.193
Can you just explain to them what that involves?
00:27:03.763 --> 00:27:20.858
Yeah, so a systematic review is simply a systematic search through Meta analysis is a process which is used to pull results from multiple studies and it comes up with an average effect.
00:27:21.489 --> 00:27:26.719
Um, so often, um, Meta analyses and systematic reviews are pulled together.
00:27:26.999 --> 00:27:31.618
You would need to conduct a systematic review before being able to conduct a meta analysis.
00:27:32.159 --> 00:27:45.588
So that the idea of a meta analysis is it's a way of generating a large amount of data to answer a question without necessarily needing to do that within a single new trial.
00:27:45.608 --> 00:27:59.433
It's using existing results in the medical literature to come up with a It's particularly helpful if you have multiple small trials, particularly if they have some, um, difference in their results.
00:28:00.213 --> 00:28:08.433
And a publication bias would be where lots of studies have been pulled but the actual, all the individual studies aren't of great quality and therefore they influence the results?
00:28:09.054 --> 00:28:20.709
Yeah, publication bias is typically this phenomenon whereby studies which show a difference between between groups or treatment effectiveness are more likely to be published than those that don't.
00:28:21.199 --> 00:28:27.959
And so when people conduct their systematic review, generally you can only find studies that have been published.
00:28:28.288 --> 00:28:40.828
So there might be a whole range of studies that people have conducted which represent the, you know, the true effect of your treatment or intervention, which have never made it to print and therefore never make it into a systematic review and meta analysis.
00:28:42.759 --> 00:28:43.919
I'm learning all the time.
00:28:44.048 --> 00:28:51.278
So what other types of biases do we need to be aware of in to try and design a well robust and ideal study?
00:28:51.368 --> 00:28:57.348
Essentially anything you can think of that can go wrong in a study can be a potential source of bias.
00:28:57.598 --> 00:29:00.878
Depends greatly on the study design and what you're doing.
00:29:01.138 --> 00:29:02.828
You might be conducting a survey.
00:29:03.449 --> 00:29:07.388
There might be ways that you are asking the questions which are a little bit leading.
00:29:07.689 --> 00:29:09.138
That can introduce bias.
00:29:09.679 --> 00:29:30.894
You know, if you're measuring an outcome, it might be that if you, the person who's measuring the outcome isn't doing it in a particularly objective way, and if they know which, which group participant has been assigned to, you know, that we have all sorts of inherent, um, biases within us as, as humans that can happen whether, whether we mean them to or not.
00:29:31.324 --> 00:29:41.104
There are other phenomenon as well in trial conduct whereby patients might be excluded from the trials for particular reasons and that might bias the results.
00:29:41.644 --> 00:29:54.943
Or it may be that if we're looking at how much a blood pressure pill drops our blood pressure by, if the pill which drops the blood pressure the most also kills patients, then the fact that patients drop out of our data set.
00:29:55.359 --> 00:30:03.069
Because they die, it's going to sort of dilute the observed treatment effect from the pill which drops blood pressure the most.
00:30:04.029 --> 00:30:08.598
So, there's really no end to the potential sources of bias.
00:30:08.869 --> 00:30:14.068
They can be sort of typically categorised into some of the more common forms, but it can be anything really.
00:30:14.068 --> 00:30:17.890
It's anything which generates a systematic deviation from
00:30:19.674 --> 00:30:29.325
Yeah, but in that pill discussion, if you had a red pill versus a blue pill, the blue pill might be more calming and get a slightly better drop in blood pressure because of the placebo effect as well.
00:30:29.785 --> 00:30:32.055
And that can lead to a treatment bias as well.
00:30:32.055 --> 00:30:32.663
Is that correct?
00:30:32.733 --> 00:30:33.894
Yes, absolutely.
00:30:34.595 --> 00:30:43.224
Is there any other particular things you'd like to do in a study apart from excluding bias and make sure it's been assessed appropriately and conducted appropriately?
00:30:43.375 --> 00:30:45.734
Is there anything else that could make a better study overall?
00:30:45.734 --> 00:30:45.749
Yes, absolutely.
00:30:47.740 --> 00:30:55.000
Yeah, so some of the other more important points are probably to register your study prospectively.
00:30:55.240 --> 00:31:07.509
Publicly announcing what it is you're going to do, who are you going to study, what parameters are you going to collect, what is actually your primary outcome of interest, and how are you going to analyse it.
00:31:07.819 --> 00:31:15.180
If you can describe all of those things before you start your study, that gives you much more faith that there's a, it's a valid.